Immersive Visualisation for Science, Research, Art and Digital Twins Applications

SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia Birds of a Feather Session

We cordially invite you to participate in the Birds of a Feather session at SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 that focuses on immersive analytics, visual analytics and immersive visualisation systems for science, research, and art. The BoF will bring together scientific visualisation practitioners from across the globe in order to share their ideas and work in an informal atmosphere.

Time and Location

Tuesday, 4 December, 2018
12:15pm - 1:45pm
G409 (4F, Glass Building), SIGGRAPH Asia 2018

Tentative Schedule

Welcome and Introduction, Tomasz and Huyen
Computer Vision for Fun and Profit, John Doolan, Virtual Immersive
Immersvie Analytics of Honey Bee Data, Huyen Nguyen, UNSW Art & Design
Holograms in My Hand: Building Immersive Data Visualizations, Johanna Beyer, Harvard
Computer Graphics and VR at the University Lisboa, Joaquim Jorge, Univ Lisboa Portugal
From tech and art to business value - business/corporate/executive perspectives on immersive visualization, Michael Hsin-Yao Liang, Silkroad Visual Technologies
Cinemagraphic Virtual Reality, Jon Baginski, Tesla
Immersive SIGGRAPH Asia 2019, Tomasz Bednarz, SIGGRAPH Asia
Clanger: Artistic visualisation of Australian football player GPS data, Baden Pailthorpe, Australian National University Art & Design
Data Chopin - Magic Way of Interacting with Data, Daniel Filonik, UNSW EPICentre
Q&A, Live Demos, Continued Discussion


Tomasz Bednarz (CSIRO/Data61 and UNSW Art & Design, Australia)
Huyen Nguyen (UNSW Art & Design, Australia)

For more information, please e-mail:

Previous Years

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018